Precision VRI Savings Calculator

Use this tool to calculate the gains that you could potentially achieve each season with Precision VRI installed on one of your irrigators

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Farm Location

To get started, enter the address of your farm

This calculator gives a rough guide based on the inputs entered. It will give an idea of returns you may expect from installing Precision VRI on your irrigator, but does not take costs or variables that may occur as a result of the increased production into account. The accuracy or completeness of these calculations is not guaranteed nor is its applicability to differing individual farm circumstances. The calculator has been created using assumptions based on New Zealand farming conditions, caution should be applied if using the calculator in other countries. We reserve the right to alter this calculator and its algorithms at any time without notice.

zimmatic lindsay

Your Details

Enter your name and email address, and we'll send you a link so you can continue your calculator session at any time.

Your Name

Email Address

Select Metric for metres, kg, litres; select US Imperial for feet, pounds, gallons.

Farm + Irrigator Details

This tool provides saving estimates for one irrigator only. To use this tool for other irrigators, click the 'start over' button at the bottom of this page.

Primary type of farm

Type of irrigator

Irrigator length


Irrigator return time


Total irrigated area

Number of pivot / lateral changes per cycle


Average number of running hours per season


Irrigator Position

Drag the blue area over the location of your irrigator. Change the shape to fit the area that your irrigator covers by dragging the round handles. You can delete a handle by right-clicking it.

Labour Details

Labour cost per hour for re-nozzling


How long does it take to re-nozzle your irrigator?


Pump Details

Pumping efficiency is not taken into account in calculations done with this tool. Many factors determine pump efficiency, such as how many nozzles are being controlled at a time and whether a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) is installed on the pump.

What is the flowrate of your pump?

How much do you pay for water on average?

What is the power rating of your pump?

What is the average unit cost of electricity for your pump?

Dairy Farm Details

Enter values for each question, if you are unsure make an educated guess.

Herd Size


Average days in milk per cow per year


Average yearly production per cow (MS)

kg MS

Dairy payout

Total number of lame cows per year


Average reduction in production per lame cow


Reduction in lame cows per year if wet areas kept dry


Total heathcare costs for lame cows in a season (including your time)


Reduction in number of cows culled due to lameness per year


Cost of cow replacement


Exclusion Areas

Click the '+ area' button to the right to draw areas where you would like to avoid irrigating. Click the '+ track' button to draw in tracks, drains or streams. Click an existing area to edit the shape, or double click to set properties.

Exclusion Areas

Click the '+ area' button to add areas where you would like to apply no irrigation.

Name Area
No exclusion areas have been added

This tool will only make use of areas which are inside of the irrigator coverage area.

Track Maintenance

Click the '+ track' button to add tracks or streams.

Click a track in the table below to make adjustments, or the '+ track' button to add tracks or streams.

Track Name Area Current Spend Estimated Savings
No tracks have been added

Crop Types

Define which crops you grow and the value of each crop in the table below. The value can be per ton of dry matter or any other measure.

For example, to calculate the value per ton of dairy pasture, you may use something like the following formula:

milk solids dry matter dairy payout kg per ton value of dairy pasture
Crop Type Profit
No crop types have been added

Dry + Wet Areas

Click the '+ dry area' button to the right to draw areas where you would like to apply more irrigation. Click the '+ wet area' button to draw areas where you would like to apply less irrigation. Click an existing area to edit the shape, or double click to set properties.

Dry + Wet Areas

Click the '+ dry area' button to the right to draw areas where you would like to apply more irrigation. Click the '+ wet area' button to add areas where you would like to apply less irrigation.

Area Name Crop Type Area Irrigation Yield Difference
No variable areas have been added

Savings Report

Below is an overview of the savings and benefits you could expect when using a Precision VRI system on your irrigator.

Contact Zimmatic Dealer Start Over
Component Quantity Value
Total Estimated Savings


per season