Labour Details
Labour cost per hour for re-nozzling
How long does it take to re-nozzle your irrigator?
Pump Details
Pumping efficiency is not taken into account in calculations done with this tool. Many factors determine pump efficiency, such as how many nozzles are being controlled at a time and whether a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) is installed on the pump.
What is the flowrate of your pump?
How much do you pay for water on average?
What is the power rating of your pump?
What is the average unit cost of electricity for your pump?
Dairy Farm Details
Enter values for each question, if you are unsure make an educated guess.
Herd Size
Average days in milk per cow per year
Average yearly production per cow (MS)
kg MS
Dairy payout
Total number of lame cows per year
Average reduction in production per lame cow
Reduction in lame cows per year if wet areas kept dry
Total heathcare costs for lame cows in a season (including your time)
Reduction in number of cows culled due to lameness per year
Cost of cow replacement
Exclusion Areas
Click the '+ area' button to add areas where you would like to apply no irrigation.
Name | Area |
No exclusion areas have been added |
This tool will only make use of areas which are inside of the irrigator coverage area.
Track Maintenance
Click the '+ track' button to add tracks or streams.
Click a track in the table below to make adjustments, or the '+ track' button to add tracks or streams.
Track Name | Area | Current Spend | Estimated Savings |
No tracks have been added |
Crop Types
Define which crops you grow and the value of each crop in the table below. The value can be per ton of dry matter or any other measure.
For example, to calculate the value per ton of dairy pasture, you may use something like the following formula:
milk solids | dry matter | dairy payout | kg per ton | value of dairy pasture |
Crop Type | Profit |
No crop types have been added |
Dry + Wet Areas
Click the '+ dry area' button to the right to draw areas where you would like to apply more irrigation. Click the '+ wet area' button to add areas where you would like to apply less irrigation.
Area Name | Crop Type | Area | Irrigation | Yield Difference |
No variable areas have been added |